How to Grow Your Email List Fast-10 Ways
Last Updated on April 3, 2024
After we showed you How to build an email list for your blog , today we’ll discuss a few simple ways on how to grow your email list fast. Your email list/s is one of your most valuable assets, but if you’re not actively adding new subscribers your list size will decrease over time (about 22.5% a year according to hubspot).
If you’re not sure on how to grow your email list here are a 10 easy ways to do it.
1. Include social sharing buttons in your emails
At the bottom of your emails you can add social sharing buttons, and encourage your current subscribers to share/forward your content with their friends and network driving them back to your site/lead magnet pages.
2. Run a quiz/survey
quizzes and surveys create engagement and people are more likely to subscribe to your email list after a good engagement experience, Let’s say you run a fitness blog, you can approach new audiences by asking them to take a short survey and in return they will get a free guide on “awesome 10 minute workout to get ripped in 30 days”. You can use an email marketing platform like GetResponse to create that kind of survey and ask questions like: how often do you work out? what is the biggest obstacle you have preventing you to work out more? etc. the purpose of the questions are to get the visitor engaged. once they finished answering the survey they will be asked to optin to your list to claim their free gift.
3. Create awesome content
This is kind of stating the obvious, but sometime bloggers tend to forget it. Great content keeps your current subscribers tuned in, reduce your unsubscribe rate and bring more shares and visitors to your content.
4. Share your content in related communities
If you run a fitness blog, look for similar communities/accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. follow them, add relevant content from your blog, answer questions (Do not spam of course) , if you’ll provide great information people will go back to your profile and become your fans also.
5. Create a case study
Case studies are a great way to attract new email subscribers because they’re actionable and they give the readers the exact tactics used to reach a certain goal. for example create a case study how to start your own blog in 24 hours and require people to optin to gain access to it. If you target the right audience and the content is good you will get great results.
*Pro Tip
in your sign up form ask only for information you will use, if you are not planning to send text messages or call your leads do not ask for their phone number, we recommend asking for the first name and email only at first.
6. Add a sign up pop up to your home page

You can create a pop up optin form that is popping after x seconds after a visitor lands on your site, saying something like: “new here? sign up to get our exclusive free middle eastern recipe e-book in one click!”
7 . Add a subscribe link in your email signature(s)
You and your team send many emails daily to people who might not be subscribed to your email newsletter.So you can simply add a newsletter/case study signup link directly in your email signature (and the email signature of your employees) and grow your emails absolutely free.
8. Write guest posts for leading sites in your industry
Go to leading sites in your industry and offer content they might be interested in , in return they will credit you and link back to your site. It’s a win win situation for everyone, they get fresh free content and you get a link back and influx of new potential leads. Look for content us, write for us pages on these blogs.
9. Adding Sign Up Forms on Facebook
Did you know you can add a sign up form tab on your facebook business page? it’s a great way to gain new subscribers.

10. Add content upgrades
If you have a blog post named: 10 easy tips that will help you automate your business , you can share the first 5 tips and after you can add a link stating: access the next 5 tips which will open an optin box that requires an optin to access the rest of the tips. If you’re content is good people will gladly optin to your site.
Wrapping up-how to grow your email list fast
The 10 examples we listed are things you can start doing today to add new subscribers to your email list. All you need is a good email marketing software and you can easily implement these tactics in your business.
What other creative ways to grow your email list do you use? Share your ideas in the comments below please!