How to Self Made

20 Side Hustles to Make Money Fast

Last Updated on June 2, 2024

finding ways to supplement your income has never been more crucial. Whether you’re saving for a big purchase, paying off debt, or simply looking to boost your financial stability, side hustles offer an excellent solution. In this post, we’ll explore 20 side hustles that can help you make money fast. And who knows maybe you can turn one of these into more than just a side hustle!

1. Freelance Writing

Potential Earnings: $20-$100 per article or $0.10-$0.50 per word

Action Plan:

  1. Set Up Profiles: Create profiles on freelance platforms like Fiverr Upwork, , or Freelancer.
  2. Portfolio: Build a small portfolio of writing samples.
  3. Apply for Jobs: Start applying for relevant writing gigs.
  4. Networking: Join writing groups on social media to find potential clients.
  5. Deliver Quality Work: Ensure timely delivery and high-quality content to get repeat business and referrals.
  6. Ask for reviews: Reviews are crucial for your success a service provider.

2. Online Tutoring

Potential Earnings: $15-$50 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Sign Up: Register on tutoring platforms like Preply,, Chegg Tutors, or Wyzant.
  2. Profile Optimization: Create a detailed and appealing profile showcasing your expertise.
  3. Set Availability: Define your schedule and open slots for tutoring sessions.
  4. Market Yourself: Promote your services on social media and local community boards.
  5. Teach: Conduct online tutoring sessions and collect reviews to build credibility.
preply side hustle

3. Ridesharing or Delivery Services

Potential Earnings: $15-$25 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Sign Up: Register with platforms like Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, or UberEats.
  2. Vehicle Check: Ensure your vehicle meets the platform’s requirements.
  3. Set Your Hours: Define your working hours based on peak times for higher earnings.
  4. Maximize Earnings: Aim for peak hours and high-demand areas.
  5. Track Expenses: Keep track of your fuel and maintenance expenses for tax deductions.
food delivery side hustle

4. Selling Handmade Crafts or Goods

Potential Earnings: $10-$100+ per item

Action Plan:

  1. Create Products: Make handmade crafts, jewelry, art, or other goods.
  2. Set Up Shop: Open an online store on platforms like Etsy, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace.
  3. Market Your Products: Use social media to promote your store and products.
  4. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service to get positive reviews.
  5. Scale Up: Expand your product line based on customer feedback and demand.

5. Pet Sitting or Dog Walking

Potential Earnings: $15-$30 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Register: Sign up on platforms like Rover or Wag!
  2. Create a Profile: Set up a profile highlighting your experience with pets.
  3. Set Rates: Define your services and set competitive rates.
  4. Network Locally: Advertise your services in local communities and pet stores.
  5. Expand Services: Offer additional services like pet grooming or training for extra income.

6. Virtual Assistant

Potential Earnings: $15-$50 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Skills Inventory: List your administrative skills such as email management, scheduling, and data entry.
  2. Create Profiles: Register on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Virtual Assistant Groups.
  3. Market Services: Market your services to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  4. Network: Join professional groups and attend virtual networking events.
  5. Deliver Quality: Provide excellent service to secure long-term clients and referrals.

7. Flipping Items

Potential Earnings: $20-$200 per item, depending on the item

Action Plan:

  1. Research: Identify items with high resale value such as electronics, furniture, or vintage items.
  2. Source Items: Find items at garage sales, thrift stores, or online marketplaces.
  3. Refurbish: Clean or repair items to increase their value.
  4. Sell Online: List items on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist.
  5. Track Profits: Monitor sales and adjust your buying strategy based on what sells best.

8. Participating in Online Surveys and Market Research

Potential Earnings: $1-$10 per survey

Action Plan:

  1. Sign Up: Register on multiple survey sites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, or Vindale Research.
  2. Complete Profiles: Fill out your profile completely to get matched with more surveys.
  3. Check Regularly: Log in daily to check for new survey opportunities.
  4. Refer Friends: Some platforms offer referral bonuses.
  5. Cash Out: Regularly cash out your earnings via PayPal or gift cards.

9. Renting Out Your Space or Equipment

Potential Earnings: $50-$500+ per month, depending on the asset

Action Plan:

  1. Identify Assets: Determine if you have space (like a room or parking spot) or equipment (like cameras or tools) to rent.
  2. Register: Sign up on platforms like Airbnb for space or Fat Llama for equipment.
  3. Create Listings: Create detailed and attractive listings with photos.
  4. Price Competitively: Set competitive pricing based on market research.
  5. Provide Good Service: Ensure a good experience for renters to get positive reviews and repeat business.
airbnb side hustle

10. Social Media Influencer

Potential Earnings: $100-$10,000+ per month (based on views, ads, and sponsorships)

Action Plan:

  1. Identify Niche: Choose a niche you are passionate about.
  2. Create Content: Start creating high-quality videos.
  3. Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords and tags.
  4. Promote: Share your content on social media platforms.
  5. Monetize: Apply for ad revenue programs and seek sponsorship deals.
become an influencer

11. Graphic Design

Potential Earnings: $25-$150 per project

Action Plan:

  1. Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your design skills.
  2. Sign Up: Register on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and 99designs.
  3. Apply for Jobs: Start bidding on relevant projects.
  4. Social Media: Promote your services on social media and join design groups.
  5. Deliver Quality: Provide high-quality designs and build a good reputation for repeat business.

12. House Cleaning

Potential Earnings: $15-$30 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Advertise Locally: Use flyers, social media, and community boards to advertise your services.
  2. Equipment: Purchase basic cleaning supplies.
  3. Set Rates: Determine competitive pricing for your area.
  4. Schedule: Set a flexible schedule to accommodate clients.
  5. Build Clientele: Provide excellent service to gain regular clients and referrals.

13. Event Planning

Potential Earnings: $500-$2000 per event

Action Plan:

  1. Identify Niche: Decide whether to focus on weddings, corporate events, parties, etc.
  2. Build Portfolio: Offer to help plan events for friends and family to build a portfolio.
  3. Network: Join event planning groups and attend networking events.
  4. Create Packages: Develop service packages with clear pricing.
  5. Market Yourself: Use social media, a website, and local advertising to attract clients. Contacting HR of different businesses is a good idea.

14. Personal Trainer

Potential Earnings: $20-$100 per session

Action Plan:

  1. Certification: Obtain a fitness coaching certification if needed.
  2. Set Up Online Profiles: Create profiles on fitness platforms and social media.
  3. Offer Free Sessions: Offer a few free sessions to build testimonials and reviews.
  4. Create Plans: Develop personalized fitness plans for clients.
  5. Expand Services: Offer additional services like nutrition advice or virtual classes.

15. Photography

Potential Earnings: $100-$300 per session

Action Plan:

  1. Build Portfolio: Take photos of friends, family, and local events to create a portfolio.
  2. Set Up a Website: Create a website showcasing your work and services.
  3. Market Locally: Advertise your services on local community boards and social media.
  4. Offer Packages: Develop various packages for different types of photography (e.g., portraits, events).
  5. Network: Join local photography groups and attend events to meet potential clients.

16. Voice Acting

Potential Earnings: $50-$300 per project

Action Plan:

  1. Equipment: Invest in a good microphone and recording software.
  2. Create Demo Reel: Record a variety of voice samples to create a demo reel.
  3. Sign Up: Register on platforms like, Voice123, or Fiverr.
  4. Apply for Gigs: Start auditioning for voice-over jobs.
  5. Promote Services: Use social media and join voice acting communities to network.

17. Language Translation

Potential Earnings: $20-$50 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Fluency: Ensure fluency in both the source and target languages.
  2. Certify Skills: Obtain a certification if necessary.
  3. Create Profiles: Register on platforms like Upwork, and Fiverr.
  4. Apply for Jobs: Start applying for translation projects.
  5. Deliver Accuracy: Provide accurate and timely translations to build a good reputation.
fiverr translation side hustle

18. Social Media Management

Potential Earnings: $15-$75 per hour

Action Plan:

  1. Skill Up: Take courses on social media management and marketing.
  2. Portfolio: Create case studies or manage a few accounts for free to build a portfolio.
  3. Set Up Profiles: Register on freelance platforms and create a business page on social media.
  4. Market Services: Reach out to small businesses and promote your services.
  5. Deliver Results: Focus on delivering measurable results like increased engagement and followers.
  6. Consider Automation Tools: like Tweethunter or Raddar

19. Dropshipping/Print on Demand

Potential Earnings: $200-$2000+ per month

Action Plan:

  1. Research Products: Identify trending products with high demand.
  2. Set Up Store: Create an online store using Shopify or Woocomerce.
  3. Find Suppliers: Use platforms like Printful or Oberlo to deliver your products.
  4. Market: Run targeted ads on social media and Google.
  5. Optimize: Continuously optimize your product listings and ad campaigns based on performance.

20. Renting Your Car

Potential Earnings: $20-$100 per day

Action Plan:

  1. Register: Sign up on platforms like Turo or Getaround.
  2. List Your Car: Create a detailed listing with high-quality photos.
  3. Set Rates: Determine competitive pricing based on your car’s model and demand.
  4. Maintain Vehicle: Ensure your car is clean and well-maintained.
  5. Manage Bookings: Respond promptly to booking inquiries and manage your schedule efficiently.
turo side hustle

How to choose a side hustle?

Choosing the right side hustle can significantly impact your success and satisfaction. Here are some steps and considerations to help you choose the best side hustle for you:

1. Assess Your Skills and Interests

  • Identify Strengths: Make a list of your skills, talents, and hobbies. Choose a side hustle that aligns with what you’re good at and enjoy doing.
  • Passion Projects: Opt for side hustles related to your passions as they can be more fulfilling and easier to stick with.

2. Evaluate Time Commitment

  • Availability: Consider how much time you can realistically dedicate to a side hustle each week. Some side hustles require more time than others.
  • Flexibility: Look for opportunities that fit your schedule. For example, online tutoring or freelance writing can be done at flexible times.

3. Consider Financial Goals

  • Earnings Potential: Think about your financial goals. Are you looking to earn a little extra cash or replace your full-time income? Choose side hustles that align with your financial needs.
  • Initial Investment: Some side hustles require upfront investment. Ensure you are comfortable with the initial costs and potential ROI.

4. Assess Market Demand

  • Research Demand: Look into the demand for the side hustle you’re considering. High-demand areas often offer more opportunities and better pay.
  • Competitive Analysis: Check out the competition. Are there many people doing the same side hustle? If so, what can you do to stand out?

5. Consider Your Long-term Goals

  • Career Alignment: Choose a side hustle that aligns with your long-term career goals or can help you gain valuable experience and skills.
  • Scalability: Think about whether you want to scale this side hustle into a larger business in the future.

6. Evaluate Personal Circumstances

  • Location: Some side hustles, like ridesharing or local services, depend on your location. Ensure there’s a market for your services in your area.
  • Resources: Consider what resources you already have (like a car for ridesharing or a computer for virtual assistance) and what you might need to acquire.

Steps to Choose the Right Side Hustle

  1. Make a List: Write down all the potential side hustles that interest you.
  2. Research Each Option: Look up detailed information about each side hustle, including potential earnings, time commitment, and requirements.
  3. Evaluate Fit: Compare each option against your skills, interests, time availability, financial goals, and market demand.
  4. Try Out a Few: If possible, try a few different side hustles on a small scale to see which ones you enjoy and are successful with.
  5. Make a Decision: Choose the side hustle that best meets your criteria and start dedicating more time to it.

Examples Based on Different Criteria

  1. Skills-Based: If you’re skilled in graphic design, consider freelance graphic design. It leverages your talent and can be done flexibly.
  2. Low Time Commitment: If you have limited time, online surveys or affiliate marketing might be suitable as they require less time investment.
  3. High Earnings Potential: If your goal is to earn significant extra income, consider high-demand areas like virtual assistance or dropshipping.
  4. Passion Projects: If you love animals, pet sitting or dog walking could be a perfect match, combining income with something you enjoy.

Which Side Hustle Will You Start?

While these side hustles provide a variety of opportunities to boost your income quickly, it’s important to acknowledge that making money on the side isn’t always easy. Each hustle requires time, effort, and dedication to truly see the rewards. Success doesn’t come overnight, and there will be challenges along the way. However, with persistence and the right approach, these side hustles can help you achieve your financial goals. Remember, every small step forward counts, and with determination, you can turn your side hustle into a meaningful source of income. So, choose the hustle that suits you best, take action, and stay committed to your journey towards financial growth.

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